Strolley for Fire Extinguishers
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Strolley for Fire Extinguishers

When a fire breaks out at a particular location, you need to have all your firefighting equipment at your disposal. At that location. Keeping that in mind, Ceasefire presents Fire Extinguisher Strolleys, the perfect accessory to mobilise your firefighting equipment.

Easy mobility : High quality construction ensures easy mobility.

High Maneuverability : Retractable handles provide easy maneuverability, while binding straps hold the fire extinguisher in place.

Photo luminescent : Fitted with Photo-luminescent signs that make it easy to locate even through smoke and darkness.

Rustproof bodiePowder-coated rustproof bodies ensure longevity of the product.

Application : Ideal to transport fire extinguishers up to a capacity of 10 kgs each.

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