Co2 Based Medical Fire Extinguishers
Safe, Reliable Extinguisher: Unlike conventional cartridge extinguishers, the Ceasefire Cartridge isn’t…
Easy-to-use with Quick Activation: Being a spot pressure extinguisher, the Cartridge can be instantly activated by firmly
pressing the trigger.
Extinguishing Agent: The Cartridge contains Watermist as the extinguishing agent, enabling that to take on practically any kind of fire.
Safe Technology: Since these extinguishers create pressure only when required, they ensure absolute safety at all times.
Easy Refilling: Unlike conventional extinguishers, these extinguishers can be refilled immediately anywhere, thus eliminating the downtime needed to take them to and fro from the factory?.
Stainless Steel Body: The extinguisher’s stainless steel body ensures that there is no chance of corrosion.
10 year Warranty: The 10 year Warranty means Ceasefire is looking out for the health of your fire safety products.
Application: Fights Class A and B fires.